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Wall sculpture

"The Futuristic Vintage City"

In a world increasingly conditioned by telephony, computers and electronics, one wonders how the future of the planet will be, if technology will take over bringing gifts to everyone, or if instead we will be forced to live in a wasteland full of old IT products.

"The Futuristic Vintage City" - Spray Art

A reinterpretation of the artist's style  in street art version thanks to the use of Spray art.

The basic reason remains the same, the doubt about the technological future of the world, making it more visual / futuristic

"The scribble"


For me this is an exercise to relax the mind and let ideas flow. When you find yourself in front of an empty canvas, as a writer finds himself in front of a blank sheet, the beginning is always difficult. But if you don't worry and slide the pen yourself, everything is easier. Hence "Lo Scarabocchio" was born

"The mini doodle"


Reinterpretation in the Mignon version of the Lo scabocchio series. Works complete with mini easel and canvas decorated in different colors

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